The Importance of Sunshine
We will post resources and other information to help our community stay physically and mentally well and healthy during this intense time. They may also be viewed on our Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, pages. All of our blog posts will remain in the archive for continual viewing.
For a collection of free resources for physical and mental health, please follow this link.
We all know, and have been reminded, of the importance of sunshine for our mental health and well-being. It is especially important during this crazy time! Here in Colorado we are especially lucky as we have access to a vast number of beautiful parks and places. There are so many options to choose from and enjoy being outside. However, we also know how important it is to maintain social distancing. So how do we do both?
The National Park and Recreation Association (NRPA) has issued a statement about just that question! “
“We believe that many parks, trails and open spaces can continue to be used in a safe manner that allows people to enjoy the mental and physical health benefits these spaces provide. In all instances, we recommend people follow local, state and national ordinances and guidelines regarding the use of these spaces and recognize that these vary from community to community. In places where there are no restrictions on the use of local parks, trails and open spaces, we encourage all users to follow these recommendations: (see image below)“

Consider calling ahead to the park you plan to visit to verify the accessibility of services (restrooms, etc.) 5280 Magazine March issue has an article, “Guide to Outdoor Recreation”, that will also provide useful suggestions and ideas.

Beginning May 6th, face masks will be required inside or in line for essential businesses, health care facilities, and public transportation in Denver. News article