Tag: ESL

Learning Doesn’t Just Happen in the Classroom

It’s true, learning doesn’t just happen in the classroom! We believe it is important for our students to use the skills they are learning, and not just in class. The Learning Power of Community is key! While some of our classes, English Through the Arts or American Culture and Conversation for example, really lean into […]

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Economic Impact of English

The economic impact of English is undisputed. While not official, English is the primary language of international business. “Research shows a direct correlation between the English skills of a populationand the economic performance of the country.” Approximately 30% of the 500,000 immigrants over 25 in the United States arrive with bachelor’s and advanced degrees. They […]

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Hiking Near Denver

Another reason to study English in the state of Colorado: the incredible natural landscape. Hiking, camping, skiing – people come here to enjoy the mountains, rivers, and other natural wonders. Denver is perfectly situated along the eastern side of the Rocky Mountains – commonly referred to as the “front range” – to enjoy all of […]

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New Mission Statement

It’s an exciting time at New America College! In May 2021 the Board of Directors completely revised our mission statement. During this process the Board examined what we do for the community and what our organizational values are. As a result, our new mission statement is: Cultivating and celebrating inclusion, community, and success through a […]

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