The Denver, Colorado, area is one of America’s best-kept secrets for international students! Denver, where New America College is located, sits at the foot of the Rocky Mountains. Just a short drive and you are surrounded by the heart of the Rockies. An international airport can get you anywhere you want, affordable housing, amazing mountains, […]
Read PostOur mission, “Cultivating and celebrating inclusion, community, and success through a focused English language experience,” is enhanced by the support of volunteers. As a non-profit, New America College (NAC) very much appreciates the role of its volunteers, especially as it allows us to achieve our goal of offering services at an affordable price. Volunteers show us […]
Read PostWhy Mastery Level Classes. Why are mastery level classes important? What will they add to your English language studies? You’ve been studying and practicing your English language skills for a while now. Maybe you’ve been living in the United States, or another English-speaking country. You don’t have trouble with everyday tasks using English. Normal interactions […]
Read Post….is a wonderful thing! One of the coolest things about New America College is the diversity in its student body. Here at NAC, in May 2022, we have students from 30 different countries! Have you ever met someone from Turkmenistan or Cote d’Ivoire? You will at NAC! Accepting students from all over the world means […]
Read PostThe welcoming and supportive international community we have at New America College is very important to us. It is a big decision to reach out to achieve a goal, especially one that requires learning a new language. One of the things we hear from our students, past and present, is how much they also appreciate […]
Read Post If you ever wanted to learn English – for professional or personal reasons – New America College is a wonderful place to begin. NAC believes in education for all. So strongly is our belief in the importance of education, that we are a not-for-profit school. When asked how much New America College improved their English […]
Read PostIt’s an exciting time at New America College! In May 2021 the Board of Directors completely revised our mission statement. During this process the Board examined what we do for the community and what our organizational values are. As a result, our new mission statement is: Cultivating and celebrating inclusion, community, and success through a […]
Read PostOn April 21, 2021, NAC had its first-ever fundraising event: An online Thai cooking class! (NAC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and we are dedicated to teaching English and helping students reach their goals.) To make a donation to NAC please click here. Fundraising with Pad Thai At NAC, we love food! What better way to learn about someone’s culture […]
Read PostAt New America College (NAC), our cultural values form the basis of our community. As a student you become part of that community. Yes, we are an English school, but NAC is more than “just” a school. We believe in helping students with the important aspects of their life outside of the classroom. While we […]
Read PostAccreditation Accreditation is a mysterious process to many, but it is very important for the student and the school. What is Accreditation? Accreditation is a process of formally recognizing an organization as being qualified in its field. It is important for you, the student. Accreditation means your education is respected by both employers and other schools. It establishes […]
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